Topics of Submission
Extended abstracts (2 pages) discussing new technologies for computer/robot assisted surgery are solicited. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Machine learning and cognitive surgical robotics
- Registration, segmentation, modelling and data mining
- Synergies and clustering
- Motion compensation and active guidance
- Human-robot collaboration and shared control
- Workflow analysis and episode segmentation
- Surgical skill assessment
- Usability and user-acceptance
- Robotics in medical diagnosis
- Robotic systems in orthopedics
- Rehabilitation and assistive technologies
- Surgical training
- Tactile and haptic feedback
- Novel robotic hardware and sensors
- Variable stiffness robotic systems
- Interventional catheters
- Novel instruments and interfaces
- Standardization and regulation
- System integration
- Safety and dependability
- Robotics in Radiology
- Visionary works and roadmaps
Submission Dates
Deadline for extended abstracts: 30 June 2020
Notification of acceptance: 31 July 2020
Deadline for submission of revised abstracts 14 September 2020
General Guidelines
- Length of Abstract: Maximum of 2 pages, with figures
- Paper size: A4 Size (210 mm x 297 mm)
- Leave a 25mm margin at top and bottom of the page, and a 20mm margin at left and right sides
- Font properties and size: Title: 14 pt, bold; Authors: 14 pt, normal; Institute + E-mail address: 12 pt, italics; Section headings: 10 pt, Capitals, bold; Text: 10 pt, normal; Figure captions and references: 9pt, normal.