One event, two conferences - merged together
Next March 21st and 22nd surgeons and engineers will meet in Genoa to exchange experiences, ideas and discuss the future of surgical technologies. For the first time, the National Congress of the Italian Polispecialistic Society of Young Surgeons (SPIGC) will be completely merged with the Joint Workshop on Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS) in a large event dedicated to ENCOURAGE YOUNG SURGEONS AND ENGINEERS.
CRAS+SPIGC 2019 will be a UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY for multi-cultural interactions, for identifying surgical needs and potential engineering solutions, and for the establishment of new multi-disciplinary collaborations.
Joint Sessions
Science and engineering presentations will be embedded into closely related medically-oriented sessions. Major topics include:
- Minimally invasive surgery
- Robotic surgery
- Surgical staplers and suturing technologies
- Trauma and resuscitation
- Endoscopy and endoscopic surgery
- Microsurgery
- Endovascular surgery
- Rehabilitation and enhanced recovery after surgery
- Imaging and diagnosis
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
- High energy surgical devices
- Surgical training
- Tracers, surgical guidance and augmented reality
- Transplantation and regenerative medicine
- ''Low cost" technologies
- New technologies, novel methods and future applications
- New technologies demonstrations and competition
New surgical technologies demonstrations and competition
Research teams working on novel surgical technologies will have the opportunity to demonstrate their prototypes during the conference and enter the New Surgical Technologies Competition. The surgeon delegates will vote and decide the winner!
Submission Guidelines
This next edition of CRAS is joining a large poli-specialistic medical conference. Science and engineering presentations will be embedded into closely related medically-oriented sessions. In addition, all research teams working on novel surgical technologies will have the opportunity to demonstrate their prototypes during the conference and enter the New Surgical Technologies Competition.
The solicited contributions include:
- Extended abstract (required)
- Novel surgical technology demonstration (optional)
Topics of Submissions
Extended abstracts (2 pages) discussing new technologies for computer/robot assisted surgery are solicited. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Machine learning and cognitive surgical robotics
- Registration, segmentation, modelling and data mining
- Synergies and clustering
- Motion compensation and active guidance
- Human-robot collaboration and shared control
- Workflow analysis and episode segmentation
- Surgical skill assessment
- Usability and user-acceptance
- Robotics in medical diagnosis
- Robotic systems in orthopaedics
- Rehabilitation and assistive technologies
- Surgical training
- Tactile and haptic feedback
- Novel robotic hardware and sensors
- Variable stiffness robotic systems
- Novel interfaces
- Standardization and regulation
- System integration
- Safety and dependability
- Robotics in Radiology
- Visionary works and roadmaps
Submission Deadlines
Submission site for CRAS 2019 is closed.
General Guidelines
- Length of Abstract: Maximum of 2 pages, with figures
- Paper size: A4 Size (210 mm x 297 mm)
- Leave a 25mm margin at top and bottom of the page, and a 20mm margin at left and right sides
- Font properties and size: Title: 14 pt, bold; Authors: 14 pt, normal; Institute + E-mail address: 12 pt, italics; Section headings: 10 pt, Capitals, bold; Text: 10 pt, normal; Figure captions and references: 9pt, normal.
Venue & Travel
CRAS + SPIGC 2019 took place at the Tower Genova Airport Hotel, in Genoa, Italy.

Tower Genova Airport
Hotel & Conference Center ****
Via Pionieri ed Aviatori D'Italia, 44
16154 Genova IT
General Organisation
Members of the CRAS Organizing Committee support in the organization of the workshop. They distribute the call for papers among peers. They engage in the reviewing process and safeguard the quality of the accepted contributions. The CRAS 2019 organizing
CRAS 2019 - Organization Committee
Salih Abdelaziz (LIRMM - Université de Montpellier) |
Brian Davies (ICL, IIT) | Matteo Laffranchi (IIT) | Benoit Herman (UCLouvain) |
Helge Wurdemann (UCL) |
Alperen Acemoglu (IIT) | Elena De Momi (POLIMI) |
Chao Liu (LIRMM - CNRS) |
Tim Horeman (TU Delft) | Nabil Zemiti (LIRMM - Université de Montpellier) |
Kaspar Althoefer (Queen Mary University of London) |
Kathleen Denis (KU Leuven) | Leonardo Mattos (IIT) |
Pierre Jannin (Université de Rennes) | Loredana Zollo (Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma) |
Christos Bergeles(UCL) | Nikhil Deshpande (IIT) |
Evangelos Mazomenos(UCL) | Jelizaveta Konstantinova(Queen Mary University of London) | |
Gianni Borghesan (KU Leuven) | Giancarlo Ferrigno (POLIMI) | Arianna Menciassi (SSSA, Pisa) |
Philippe Poignet (LIRMM - Université de Montpellier) |
Alicia Casals (IBEC) |
Fanny Ficuciello (Univ. Napoli) |
Sara Moccia (Università Politecnica delle Marche, IIT) | E. Vander Poorten (KU Leuven) | |
Zhuoqi Cheng (IIT) | Paolo Fiorini (Univ. Verona) | George Mylonas (ICL) |
Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena (ICL) | |
Gastone Ciuti (SSSA) |
Ioannis Georgilas (University of Bath) |
Ilana Nisky (Ben-Gurion Univ) | Benoit Rosa (ICube, Strasbourg) | |
Giulio Dagnino (ICL) | Edward Grant (NCSU) |
Sebastien Ourselin (UCL) | Bruno Siciliano (Univ. Napoli) | |
Jenny Dankelman (TU Delft) | Yassine Haddab (LIRMM - Université de Montpellier) |
Veronica Penza (IIT) | Danail Stoyanov (UCL) |
Competition and Awards
We thank all research teams for bringing their prototypes for demonstrations during the conference and enter for participating to the New Surgical Technologies Competition. The following demos were presented and assessed by the surgeon delegates. Their votes resulted in a tie for first place, so the Organizing Committee decided to awarded two demos as winners.
Winner | SENTISIM: A hybrid training platform for SLNB in local melanoma staging
by Tomàs Pieras and Albert Hernansan Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB-UPC), Barcelona Melanoma Unit, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Seville Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Barcelona |
Winner | CALM - Computer Aided Laser Microsurgery
by Alperen Acemoglu, Nikhil Deshpande and Leonardo S. Mattos Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genoa, Italy |
Finalist | APSurg - Abdominal Positioning Surgical System
by Veronica Penza and Leonardo S. Mattos Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genoa, Italy |
Participant | Visual Interface for Robotic Neurosurgery
by Eloise Matheson and EDEN2020 team Imperial College London, UK |
Participant | Robot-Assisted Endovascular Intervention: The CathBot System
by Giulio Dagnino, Dennis Kundrat and Mohamed E.K. Abdelaziz The Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery - Imperial College London, UK |
Participant | VRViz Virtual Reality Vitreoretinal Surgery
by Christos Bergeles, Tom Vercauteren and John O'Neill King's College London, UK |
Participant | SVEI: Smart Venous Entry Indicator
by Zhuoqi Cheng, Brian Davies, Darwin G. Caldwell and Leonardo S. Mattos Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genoa, Italy |
Participant | Flexible Instrument for Fetal Laser Surgery
by Allan Javaux and Emmanuel Vander Poorten KU Leuven, Belgium |